Joe Gambles Signs with TriRig to Ride Omni

TriRig is absolutely delighted to announce that multiple Ironman 70.3 and Ironman champion Joe Gambles has come on board and is now part of Team TriRig. He joins Matt Russell, Ben Deal, Summer Deal, Adam Feigh, Mikael Staer Nathan, and Thomas Gerlach to become our seventh pro riding Omni. We couldn't be more thrilled. We have loved Joe for a long time. In fact, the very first article we ever published for TriRig was a look at one of Joe's fit sessions at Retul. Now, he has come full circle and will be riding our gear.

We always kept in touch with Joe over the years, and he has come across several articles throughout our publication history. He's a fantastic guy, and a vegan. He was vegetarian for his entire life, and a fantastic role model in that regard. He finally kicked out the eggs and dairy this year, and continues to demonstrate that animal products are not a necessary component of an elite athlete's diet. But whatever your opinion of vegetarian/vegan diets, there's no denying the success this man has had over the years. And more than that, he's a friendly, straightforward, down-to-earth guy who is always easy to talk to.

So when Joe came to us asking about the Omni, we were only too happy to start a conversation. In Joe's own words:

"When Matt Russell rode 11 minutes into me at Ironman Lake Placid to secure his victory and I came in 2nd, I thought, 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'. I am at the point in my career where I just want to race on the fastest product and work with good people. That's why I came to TriRig: to ride the Omni."

-Joe Gambles
When a guy like Joe Gambles says he wants to ride your bike, you say yes! Before putting ink to paper, Joe wanted to make sure he could get at least one quick test ride on the bike. So he came to us, where we had a test rig waiting. That's what you see in the gallery here; this is Joe's test-ride rig, and not necessarily the configuration he will be riding during the season. We will of course get more photos when he has his final setup. This was something we set up just based on an old fit report. Joe emailed us the numbers, and we set up the bike accordingly. And my goodness, he looks amazing, even without any real tweaking of the position.

Joe rode for about 10 minutes, and rolled back to TriRig headquarters with a massive smile on his face. He signed with us immediately. His first comments were that he absolutely loves the closed-back scoops, and loved the way the bike handled. It just "felt right" according to the Australian pro.

We couldn't be happier to welcome Joe to the TriRig family, and we are incredibly excited to watch how his performances go this year! To get all his gear for yourself, head to the TriRig Store!

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