Macca wins on a Shiv

Chris McCormack put together a complete tour de force at the 2010 Ironman Hawaii World Championships. The Australian hung with the bike leaders before finally breaking out on his own coming into T2. The full story of the day's events can be found elsewhere, but what we care about at TriRig is the technology he used to win. Next week, we will break down the full extent of his race-day equipment, but for now, enjoy this preview of his bike. What you see here is Chris during the race, near the 100-mile mark. The obvious point is that he's riding the Specialized Shiv, one of the fastest and most engineering-driven bikes ever to be produced. It's too fast for UCI use, and just perfect for triathlon. What's not as obvious is that this is the first time in many years that a coveted 'superbike' has seen its rider through to the winner's circle. The last truly sexy bike to achieve such dominance was probably Natascha Badmann's Cat Cheetah. We are stoked to see Specialized represented so well. This isn't by any means the only bike worth mentioning from race day, but as the winner's bike, we thought it was best to showcase it today, while we can. Aloha from the Big Island, and we'll see you on the flip side!

This Shiv is hands down the sexiest bike to win Kona in years

Macca wins on a Shiv

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