Lonestar 70.3 Expo in Galveston, TX

The Lonestar 70.3 expo was held outside Moody Gardens, an educational amusement park with three giant pyramids called Discovery, Aquarium, and Rainforest, respectively. Moody Gardens is a 'public, non-profit educational destination utilizing nature in the advancement of rehabilitation, conservation, recreation and research.' Sounds awesome!
This year's Lonestar 70.3 is going to be a battle royale. And there's no denying the draw: Lance Armstrong is returning for his second race as a pro triathlete, off the heels of his impressive debut in Panama. The famous Texan will be joined tomorrow by a cadre of top names including Michael Raelert, Marino Vanhoenacker, Tim O'Donnell, and T.J. Tollakson . The women's side is nothing to scoff at either, with the likes of Leanda Cave, Amy Marsh, Caitlin Snow, and Heather Wurtele leading the charge. Here's our pre-race gallery from the expo, which will be followed up with more coverage of the event tomorrow, and some post-race stuff on Monday.