Quick review: Endurance Conspiracy

Endurance Conspiracy is a small company with a pretty simple focus: make fun, casual apparel specifically FOR athletes, that athletes would enjoy wearing. And they're incredibly successful in that aim. I'm a bit of a geek (okay, I'm a huge geek), and so I was pretty excited by their fun Star Wars designs.
I picked up this shirt for the fun of the artwork, called 'Hyperspace Gloom,' which is an original design from company founder Tony DeBoom (and yes, he's the brother of that other famous DeBoom who won Ironman Hawaii on a couple occasions). So the geek in me likes the art, but the tech reviewer in me loves the fit of the garment. It has a decidedly athletic cut that fits like a glove. It's tagless, so nothing to bug you back there. The blend is nice and soft, and quite comfortable.
It's obvious that EC makes some great stuff, and it's a lot of fun to wear. Comfortable shirts, great fit, unique artwork, what else could you really want? There are a ton of fun designs on offer, and you can check them all out at the Endurance Conspiracy website.