Justin Daerr's Javelin Lugano

"Justin Daerr, YOU are an Ironman Champion!" Those are the immortal words that capped off the inaugural edition of Ironman Boulder, and crowned Justin Daerr with his first Ironman victory. TriRig was in Boulder to cover the race, and shortly thereafter we published a second article digging deeper into two of the race-day rigs. Most interesting to us was Justin's race-winning Javelin Lugano, which carried him to victory but had some areas ripe for significant improvement. So, we got together with Justin to do just that. We swapped his brakes out for the TriRig Omega, swapped his stem for the TriRig Sigma XF, and did a completely custom internal-wire job for his Di2 components, including a custom routing for the battery, which now hides under his saddle. Thre's not a single cable, wire, or battery sticking out into the wind, a huge improvement from his initial setup. Justin was with us during the process, and amazed by the changes. "You were able to do what the best mechanics in Boulder couldn't. I can't thank you enough," he said.
Thank YOU, Justin! We are incredibly proud to be able to have you riding our gear! Justin's win at Boulder earned him a spot at this year's Ironman World Championships in Kona, in just two weeks' time. We will be on the island to cover the event. Check out the gallery below of Justin's rig, and thanks for reading!