2012 Ironman Hawaii Coverage

Triathletes, get ready for the big show! It's that time of year when the long-course titans come out to the big island of Hawaii to play. And we're here to watch it all and report back. As usual, TriRig will be covering everything from top to bottom with an eye exclusively for gear. The race happens next Saturday, but there's a lot going on before then. We'll be exploring the race expo, catching some interviews, attending a couple special events during the week. And after the race, we'll post our usual supersized gallery of race-day images for you to drool over.
If you want to make sure you catch all of the Kona coverage, you can bookmark www.tririg.com/Hawaii2012. That link executes a tag search that will look just for articles we'e written while here on the island. Similarly, you can look back at last year's coverage by going to www.tririg.com/Hawaii2011, or even execute a tag search just for tririg.com/Hawaii that will return articles from every year we've covered the event. The tag search function is a cool little feature that's useful for those of you who are die-hard fans of the site. There's also a handy tag index at the top of your search page where you can view every tag in the database, if you want to go exploring.
And for the real nerds among you, check this out. The tag search by default returns hits in reverse chronological order - that is, newest articles first. But if you want to see them the other way, just add &cr=1 to the end of your link once you get your tag search results. For example, here's a listing of all the articles tagged with Omega, starting with Part 1. These are little features that I originally wrote to make my life eaier while navigating around the site, but there's no reason users can't enjoy them as well.
Enjoy the coverage! If you have any questions or something in particular you'd like to see, don't hesitate to let us know in the comments below, or on the TriRig facebook page. Thanks!