Interbike 2012 - Day 3

This is the Lake TX312. It has a rear BOA closure, similar to the new Specialized S-Works Trivent. And although the Specialized shoe got all the glory, Lake technically released theirs first. It's a very interesting shoe, and one I'd really like to test long-term, especially since I have the S-Works Trivent to compare it to.
As Interbike 2012 draws to a close, it's easy for many attendees to run out of steam, exhibitors and journalists alike. After a full week of coverage, a lot of folks are plain tired. But we've saved some great tidbits for last, so we can go out with a bang. There was a lot of great stuff in days 1 and 2, but I truly there are some gems left in here, and I hope you get as much out of viewing the gallery as much as I did shooting it. This is it for Interbike. We're going to close the books on this one, then regroup and see you in just TWO WEEKS for the Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii. Come back then for all the coverage from the island. But for now, here's our final gallery from Interbike 2012. Enjoy!