Interbike 2018: Outdoor Demo

September - it's that time of year again. Interbike! And you know what that means ... Vegas, Bab--- I mean, Reno, Baby! After years of contemplating or threatening to move, the industry's biggest domestic show has finally changed venues to sunny Reno. Many have wondered what this would mean for the show, and we have just one more day to wait to find out. For now, we have the chance to see the goodies at Outdoor Demo.
This year was decidedly the least road-friendly version of Outdoor Demo I've ever been to. But this is completely understandable, as ODD is generally intended as a dirt, mountain, and gravel affair. Gone are the days when you might see a company like Felt unveil a new tri bike out in the dirt. But we still managed to find a few goodies worthy of a quick picture. Enjoy the gallery, and stay tuned for the indoor festivities starting tomorrow!