PRO RIG: Linsey Corbin's Kona Trek Speed Concept

'Wait!' says Linsey Corbin as we approach from twenty paces, 'who are you with?' And when I reply 'it's Nick Salazar from TriRig,' she opens her arms and smiles. 'Let me give you a hug!' she offers fondly. We stopped Linsey in the middle of a training ride as she was trying to narrow down her wheel selection for Saturday's big race. Despite being in the middle of an important training session, she is generous with her time and lets us stop her for some photos and some questions about her rig.
Linsey is one of the most consistently friendly, happy, and genuinely charming people in the sport of triathlon. You might liken her to Julia Roberts. She is quite beautiful, but also striking in a way that is hard to pin down. We have followed Linsey since the early days of TriRig, back when she was still on a Scott Plasma 3. These days she rides the Trek Speed Concept. Her rig is different, but her smile remains the same.
Her rig is surprisingly straightforward; it's very much off-the-peg in terms of its appointments. Even the paint scheme is a standard 'Factory Racing' scheme, with a clean black base coat and simple chrome logos. Trek, usually known for its wild custom paint jobs, is keeping this simple scheme consistent across all its Kona athletes; Tim O'Donnell is riding the same one.
The only real noticeable customization is the hollow carbon fiber tube bolted to the top of the storage box behind the seat tube. Mark Andrews fabricated this setup for Corbin, who wanted an easy and effective storage solution for a can of Pittstop. Despite the high level of integration on the frame, there was simply no good spot for the can, so this was the solution Andrews offered. It looks good to us!
Follow this link for all of our 2019 Kona coverage. Aloha!