
Cameron Wurf's Pinarello Bolide TR - TriRig
Pinarello has launched their new tri bike, the Bolide TR+, with tri-specific storage and disc brakes. Cam Wurf has championed the Bolide over the past couple years, and has aspirations to make it onto the Kona podium this year. His...
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Dash Cycles - a preview
"You should see the pile of rejected saddles we have," Weston tells me. "If they're even a few grams over our claimed weight, we trash them." That one sentence, right there, says just about everything you need to know about...
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All About Extensions
One of the biggest sources of confusion among triathletes is which extension shape is the best. You hear things all the time regarding different shapes, and why they are better or worse than others. "Ski bends are more ergonomic" --...
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Tim O'Donnell's Trek Speed Concept
Tim O'Donnell, also known simply as "T.O.," is one of the best triathletes on the planet, and often described as America's best hope to reclaim an Ironman World Championship title in a world dominated by Aussies. Speaking of Aussies, Tim...
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